Welfare scheme

Financial Aid & Awards
The special fund in college is based based on contributions from our alumni, former faculty members and present faculty members. The funds are used in providing financial assistance to economically deprived students.
Merit Scholarship
- Management offers the merit scholarship of Rs.10, 000/- each, for students who have secured aggregate of 98% and above.
- Fee exemption from management fees to those students who have secured 99% and above in the qualifying examination.
- For economically weaker section students the management gives fee concession.
Following are the scholarship links through which students can apply for various scholarship schemes:
- National Scholarship portal (https://scholarships.gov.in/)
- Minority scholarship (www.gokdom.kar.nic.in)
- Epass scholarship (www.karepass.cgg.gov.in/)
- SC/ST scholarship (www.sw.kar.nic.in)
- MHRD scholarship (http://www.pue.kar.nic.in/PUE/support_html/scholarship.htm)
- Vidyaposhak scholarship (www.vidyaposhak.org)
- Kittur rani chennamma scholarship (www.pue.kar.nic.in/PUE/support_html/scholarship.htm)
- Dhirubhai ambani scholarship for physically challenged students (www.karnic.in/pur)
- Ambedkar national merit award scholarship for sc students (www.pue.kar.nic.in/PUE/support_html/scholarship.htm)
- scholarship (www.pue.kar.nic.in/PUE/support_html/scholarship.htm)
- Merit scholarship those who secured more than 80% in IInd puc (www.pue.kar.nic.in/PUE/support_html/scholarship.htm)
- Azimremji foundation scholarship (www.azimpremjifoundation.org)
- Vidyasiri scholarship (http://backwardclasses.kar.nic.in/bcwd/website/)
- Jindal scholarship (http://sitaramjindalfoundation.org/scholarship.php)
- B.L Hemavathi scholarship (http://www.blhtrust.org/scholarship.html)
- Indian oil scholarship (https:www.ocl.com/aboutus/academicscholarships.aspx)
- HDFC bank ‘ECSS’ – Educational Crisis Scholarship Support (https://www.hdfcbank.com/scholarships)
- Vidhyadhan Scholarship Program (https://www.vidhyaa.in/scholarship/vidyadhan-scholarship-program)
- Incentive for SSLC and 2nd PUC Students Karnataka (https://bit.ly/3afU0eW)
The college provides mentoring for each student to understand their attitude, behavior,motivation and work life-balance.
A counseling committee formed at our college interacts with students, when they come to know that a student has some problems (be it in academics or personal life). The student is put at ease by interacting with the committee members and a strict counsel is done to solve the problem of the student to the extent possible. Counseling in charge officer spends designated 2 hours every week to interact with students who need moral support, guidance and suggestions to increase their relaxation level in the institution.
Parent’s Teacher Meeting
Parent Teacher Meeting play a crucial role in enhancing a student’s education. Often dreaded by students, parent teacher meeting is an effective way for parents and teachers to interact and discuss about their ward’s progress. Parents on the other hand can play an active role in their ward’s education and can further encourage and influence their ward to do well in college.
Parent teacher association works as a bridge between parents and teachers where through mutual cooperation both can decide what further steps should be taken so that a ward can get most out of his/her studies. Since colleges are not only meant to teach certain subjects, they also work on improving different set of skills, social and emotional aspects of a student, parents should discuss these points so that a lecturer can help in improving the same.
Our college organizes Parent -Teachers Meeting twice in a year and address the development, challenges what they are facing and the actions to find out the solution for the challenges and in a PTM professional counselors address the gathering to give inputs for better parenting. Suggestions are also sought from parents to bring about changes in the performance of students. Parents are made aware of the various measures like Mentor System & Remedial Classes that the college practices to help the slow learners.
Duties & Responsibilities
- Maintaining the strong relationship with parents for the betterment of students.
- To maintain the accurate record of students
- Providing responses regarding the overall performance
- Maintaining confidential report based on issues and suitable action provided by the respective faculties
- Providing comfortable environment and guarantee of confidentiality to the Parents to discuss personal issues of the students according to their wish.