SDC KOLAR students got second prize in short movie.
Author: admin
BNU inter college Ball Badminton winner SDC Kolar degree college Women team
BNU inter college Ball Badminton winner SDC Kolar degree college Women team
FEE NOTIFICATION Sub: Collection of Fee Payment for the Examination of I & III Semester (Repeaters)/ V Semester (F & R) (CBCS) BA/BSW/BVA/B.Com/B.Com (HONS)/B.Com (Vocational Course)/BBA/BHM/B.Voc (Retail Management)/B.Voc (Data & Web Analysis)/B.Sc/ I3CA/B.Sc (Fashion & Apparel Design)/B.Sc (Forensic Science)/B.Voc (Information Technology)/B.Voc (Medical Lab Technology)/B.Voc (Food Processing Nutraceuticals) 1 Sem (Fr)/B.Voc (Food Technology & Quality Management) […]
Kannada Rajotsava in SDC Kolar under the flagship of Smt. Usha Gangadhara.
Kannada Rajotsava in SDC Kolar under the flagship of Smt. Usha Gangadhara.
Kannada Utsava Celebration at SDC KOLAR
Kannada Utsava Celebration at SDC KOLAR
Dell Future Workspace Skills Training at SDC KOLAR for womens and pwd students.
Dell Future Workspace Skills Training @ SDC KOLAR for women’s and pwd students.
SDC KOLAR students Siri and Varsha got 1st and 3rd prize in Indian Postal Department.
SDC KOLAR students Siri and Varsha got 1st and 3rd prize in Indian Postal Department.
Kannada Rajustsava Celebration at SDC KOLAR 2022
Kannada Rajustsava Celebration at SDC KOLAR
Tribute to Appu Punit raj Kumar at SDC Kolar
Appu namana🙏 @ SDC Kolar
ಕನ್ನಡ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿ ಇಲಾಖೆ Program held at SDC College Kolar
ಕನ್ನಡ ಮತ್ತು ಸಂಸ್ಕೃತಿ ಇಲಾಖೆ Program held at SDC College